West Northants Local Plan
Local Plan Issues Consultation
The Issues consultation stage of the Local Plan was completed in January 2014. This marked the start of the formal process when the public, parish councils and the development industry were asked for their views on the issues that should be covered in the Local Plan. The consultation also provided an opportunity for possible development sites to be suggested to the Council. Some 500 representations were received and these have now been published online for viewing The Council will now be considering these responses along with other available evidence and information and will be preparing an options document for further consultation now that the Joint Core Strategy has been adopted.
Each of the responses has been given a unique reference; an identification number (eg IO001) is followed by the name of the respondent (eg Smith) followed by the name of the agent and location of the site if applicable. For comments relating to specific villages please click on the Parish Council information link and for more general comments please click on the district-wide information link.
Parish Data (PDF, 203 Kb)
Parish Data Middleton Cheney
Middleton Cheney Area Plan